Peacock Island: a German corner that will surprise you

Located in the river Havel, which passes to the southeast of Berlin, is this island, which some beautiful birds have taken possession of. This is the Peacock Island or Pfaueninsel in German.

The island is open to the public from April to October, from Tuesday to Sunday and from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Enjoy traveling to Germany

When you go to take cheap flights to Berlin to get to know this wonderful country, you cannot do it without visiting this paradise island, located near the capital and just a short bus ride and 20 minutes by ferry. In the past, when the Prussian nobles were great lords in this region of Europe, they established their leisure and recreation spaces there.


Several of the buildings built on the island have a deliberate and intended appearance of being in ruins. This is due to the aesthetic current of the time that equated this demolished condition with romantic and passionate feelings .

On this peaceful island is the White Castle, which was built between 1794 and 1797 by King Frederick William II , who owned the island. He devised it thinking of enjoying it with his lover, Countess Wilhelmine Encke von Lichtenau.

Inside, it preserves the romantic furniture of the time and a valuable collection of relics in an antiques room . It also houses a cabinet for readings, built in the shape of a bamboo hut.

This castle retains the air of a children’s story with its iron walkway that joins the two white towers. It looks semi-ruined, which was deliberated when building the building. You can get to know its interior spaces through a guided tour.

Elsewhere on the island, Frederick William II also ordered the construction of a false monastery in ruins, a Greek temple, a dairy and stables , spaces that you can explore. This monarch devised a dream space for his romance. His purpose was to create an atmosphere somewhere between medieval and gothic with an aura of serenity.


Rabbits and later water buffaloes were bred on this island at one time, some of which still remain.

There is a large aviary, built in 1824, where white pheasants from Siberia, fluffy chickens from China and huge German roosters are housed . Around fifty peacocks roam free in the meadows and gardens, giving the island its name. Hopefully they will spread their beautiful tails when you are around, for a fantastic photo.

PfaueninselOn this island you go for a walk among the thousand-year-old oaks, to look at the fauna and especially the peacocks. You can visit the rose garden, the statuette of the actress Rachel or the fountain by Martin Friedrich Rabe.It is a place, as Federico Guillermo II planned, of serenity, of contemplation of nature, to sunbathe and enjoy the clear air.

If you are going to travel to Germany to discover its fantastic landscapes, its idyllic castles and its gastronomy, try to stay in one of the hotels in Berlin and do not hesitate to complete the trip with a visit to Peacock Island . If you are planning a trip to Germany I would suggest Greyhound where you can plan your trip.