Each person ages over the years – this is a natural biological process inherent in any living organism on Earth. Scientists dealing with the problem of human aging conditionally distinguish internal and external changes that occur over time in his body. And if the internal factor depends on the genes we inherited, then the external factor is the result of the impact on us of the environment in which we live. A combination of negative external factors can cause premature aging of the skin of the face, even with good heredity. Conversely, bad genes are not a fact that a person will age quickly. If he takes his health and appearance seriously, in particular, eats right, is physically active, does face fitness, and so on, he has every chance to look and indeed be biologically younger than many of his peers.


If we do not take into account heredity, which we cannot change, then a person can prolong youth only by creating an optimal way of life for the functioning of his body. And first of all, he must know what the most common habits of a modern woman (modern man) cause early aging of the skin of the face in order to exclude them from his life.

Early aging of the face as a result of our bad habits

Here we will only briefly mention such obvious bad habits as overeating and unhealthy eating in general, smoking, alcohol abuse, and a sedentary lifestyle. Constant stresses at work and at home, living in an ecologically unfavorable place, and so on, have a detrimental effect on our body. Probably, everyone understands that, say, periodic lack of sleep is already programmed aging, a tired face that even at thirty years old can look stale and unsightly.

However, there are also unobvious bad habits that also have a negative effect on the body and spoil our appearance, and we don’t even know about it.

Here are just a few of the most common:

– long-term holding of the head in an inclined position when working on a computer, when using a tablet or smartphone. And although modern scientists already operate with such a concept as “digital aging”, most people do not know about it;

– the habit of hunching over, poor posture, that is, curvature of the spine, which makes it difficult for blood to flow to the head and blood circulation in it, and hence in the muscles of the face;

– Wrong night’s rest. Sleep should be full not only in time, that is, eight hours; no less important is which mattress and which pillow you sleep on. Women should never go to bed without removing their makeup;

– the constant use of plastic tubes for cocktails leads to the formation of wrinkles around the mouth;

– prolonged activity of certain muscles when chewing gum also leads to the formation of facial wrinkles on the face;

– premature aging of the face is even caused by the habit of propping up the head with the hand, say, during a conversation, watching a movie, and so on;

– Smoking is also worth mentioning as an unobvious bad habit, since smokers not only poison their body, thereby accelerating its decay. Even the constant puckering of the lips leads to the formation of small vertical wrinkles around the mouth. In addition, the lips are among the first to receive a dose of toxic substances, which leads to vasoconstriction and a decrease in blood flow in the skin of the face, which for this reason receives less nutrients and oxygen, and therefore ages faster;

facial aging from sunbathing

– the same can be said about long-term sunbathing, solarium. Sunburn, of course, adorns the body, but exposure to ultraviolet leads to premature aging of the skin of the face;

– coffee mania. Among nutritionists, disputes about the dangers and benefits of coffee do not subside, but you should know that caffeine in any case dehydrates the human body, including the skin of the face, and therefore this drink should be consumed in moderation. And in no case do not replace clean water (it is supposed to drink 2 liters a day) with numerous cups of coffee;

– addiction to sweets, which can be called another enemy for the skin of the face. Sweets reduce the ability of our skin to self-renew, and this applies not only to sugar, but also to honey, sweet fruits and berries. Try in everything, even in the best, to adhere to the golden mean, excluding even the slightest fanaticism …


Of course, you need to get rid of, no matter how difficult it is, from the above and other bad habits. This alone will give your body a burst of fresh energy and have a positive effect on well-being and appearance. However, this is not enough, especially if you are already at a respectable age. Today it has become fashionable, especially among wealthy women, to rejuvenate the face with the help of various cosmetic procedures, using, say, “beauty shots”, laser cauterization of the skin, and so on. Many resort to the services of plastic surgeons. However, all these procedures and operations are by no means cheap and safe, not to mention their temporary effect.

How to avoid early facial aging

Fortunately, there is a fairly simple, safe and, most importantly, much more effective method of rejuvenating the face with the help of special physical exercises that are very easy, do not take much time and do not require much effort. It is for these reasons that face fitness is gaining popularity among the beautiful half of humanity today. Quite wealthy people who can afford the price of the services of world-famous cosmetologists are increasingly turning to him.

Of course, this method of natural rejuvenation requires certain knowledge and skills. Mistakes made without the guidance of an experienced trainer at the initial stage of mastering the method may not give any result or even harm. You can learn about all this by going through a free five-day online marathon by E. Fedotova, a teacher at the International Face Fitness Academy and co-founder of the Natural Facial Restoration Club. Don’t miss this great chance!