Sort out your clothes

It’s best to “work” with clothes that you love and are likely to wear this season. Poorly fitting, worn out clothes, or ones you are unlikely to wear, can wreak havoc in your closet.

Get rid of clothes that fall into these categories. Clothing that does not fit you should never be kept by you. Clothing that you no longer intend to wear should be sold, donated or given to someone.

Out-of-season clothing should be stored separately. Damaged or worn clothing should be repaired, altered or discarded.

Once this is done, you will have a clear idea of ​​your wardrobe. You will save time and will be able to take care of your clothes easier.

Minimalist clothing care tips you should know

Organizing your wardrobe

Now that you have a solid base, start organizing your wardrobe. The easiest way is to choose the color scheme of your wardrobe.

Group the clothes by color and then try to group them by their primary purpose. It can be fun deciding how to mix and match them.

For example, formal wear will never be combined with sportswear, but it can be combined with casual clothing. In addition, sportswear can also be combined with it, so have fun designing your own system.

The same care tips apply to clothes in the same category. When washing or cleaning clothes, read the labels carefully and sort them accordingly.

Separating your clothes properly isn’t just about keeping bright colors, whites, and darks separate.

Follow the care labels for clothing. It is generally recommended to wash clothes in bright colors in cool water and use the “delicate wash” mode for delicate fabrics. These small steps will extend the life of your clothes and keep them looking good for longer.

Drying Tips

Unfortunately, tumble drying can cause significant shrinkage. If this happens, all is not lost. Many of these items can be restored to their original size.

You don’t have to give away, throw away or donate these things.

The trick is to soak them in hot water with hair conditioner for about five minutes. Yes, hair conditioner! Then let them air dry.

If you want, you can additionally try to gently stretch the wet things. Then put them on while still damp and wear them until dry if you really want to restore them to their original size.

Minimalist clothing care tips you should know

Stain Removal Tips

Stains are the main reason why clothing is shortened. Whatever kind of stain it is, it will ruin everything anyway. Nobody wants to wear anything if there is even a tiny speck on it.

In addition to using stain removers or bleaches, try soaking the item in cold water with 1/2 teaspoon dishwashing liquid and 1 teaspoon vinegar for 30 minutes. Then rinse.

Sometimes even some kind of hand sanitizer can remove a stubborn stain.

Bad smell from shoes

Washing your clothes thoroughly will remove all bad odors, but what about shoes? Yes, many people like to leave their work boots in the hallway or on the street, but what about the rest of the shoes?

Bad smell from shoes in your closet can soak into your clothes.

There are many special products that can remove odor from shoes. If you run out of a product you normally use, try putting a few dry tea bags in your shoes to absorb the smell.

Another tip: put scented washer-dryer conditioner in your closet to keep the scent fresh inside.

Minimalist clothing care tips you should know

Clothes storage

It is very important to wash clothes before storage, even if they do not look dirty. Over time, any dirt and sweat on clothing can lead to stains.

This is the #1 cause of yellow spots found when clothes are removed from storage. In addition, dirt, strong odors, and even the smell of smoke that can come from dirty clothes attract pests.

If clothing is dry-cleaned prior to storage, remove plastic from clothing, as this will allow moisture to build up, mold may form, and, combined with excess heat, may eventually damage the clothing.


In general, nothing special, only basic tips for caring for clothes. By living a minimalist lifestyle, you limit the number of clothes to what you need. It is very important to purchase quality clothing and protect your investment.