How to book excursions on your cruise?

t does not matter what the motivation is that leads you to book a cruise , what is important is to get it right when hiring guided tours . That is why you should handle a series of keys that will help you when choosing these cruise excursions .

The first thing you should know is that by hiring a cruise in low season you will not only be saving on the cost of the trip, but you will also be saving on these getaways.


That is why a winter cruise is a highly recommended option for those who have not been able to travel in summer or those who want to visit exotic places without investing an exorbitant amount for it.

How to book excursions on your cruise?

In general, companies offer these guided tours as an extra that is not included in the price of the trip. This allows you to design your getaway based on your desires and adjust your program as best suits you.

Normally, there are three options that you are going to use to formalize this process: hire cruise excursions with your own company, directly at the port of destination, or do it through a specialized agency.

Norwegian fjords cruise Viajes Carrefour

1. With your own company

It is the most popular option, although you will have to choose among its proposals and the price will be charged directly to your private account. Most cruise lines give you the option of booking these land visits from your own cabin through a digital device.

At your disposal you will have the ship’s staff to ask any questions and, in case of delay, you will not have to worry about returning to port because the responsibility falls on them. The worst thing about this option is that it is usually the most expensive, and when there is not a minimum number of passengers, it is normal for them to cancel it.

Norway Cruise

2. At the port of destination

Many travelers prefer to get off the boat and head to the port, where it is common to find interesting offers.

They are usually tours adapted to the conditions posed by cruise ships, but you will always run the risk that, in case you suffer a setback, the shipping company will not be responsible for it. The perfect option if you decide to take an excursion at the last moment.

3. Through agencies

Viajes Carrefour agencies are companies that are dedicated to organizing this kind of routes and that provide more guarantees than hiring them at the port of destination. It is normal to find better prices than those of the ship itself and, sometimes, it is the shipping companies themselves that assign the organization of the excursions to these specialized professionals.

In any case, it is advisable that you book your cruise excursions in advance and plan your trip well so that, in the end, this expense does not exceed that of the trip itself and you can make the most of your experience.