Black cumin seed oil has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The first mention of it is found in the treatises of Eastern healers, written 3 thousand years ago. The Qur’an also spoke about cumin – it was called “a remedy for all ailments except death.”

Description of black cumin oil, chemical composition

Black cumin oil, the composition of which is rich in useful micro and macro elements, is made from seeds of the same name. A natural product is able to fill the body’s daily need for nutrients.

There are 900 kcal per 100 g, BJU: 0 / 99.99 / 0.

Black cumin oil contains the following minerals (the amount is indicated as a percentage of the daily requirement):

  • K – 71%;
  • Ca – 93%;
  • Mg – 91%;
  • Na, 12%;
  • P (phosphorus) – 62%;
  • Fe – 368%;
  • Mn – 165%;
  • Se – 10%;
  • Zn – 40%.

The vitamin composition of this cumin oil is unique. It contains substances such as omega, beta-carotene, B vitamins, tocopherol. In small quantities, black cumin seeds contain vitamin C, folic acid, choline, riboflavin. In addition, thymoquinone, which has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties and is a natural antioxidant, is contained in large quantities.

History of black cumin

It has been known about caraway oil since ancient times – one of the first mentions is found in the Old Testament, in the book of the prophet Isaiah. The healing agent was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, who died in 1300 BC. The Egyptians believed that black cumin would give their ruler health in the afterlife, protect him from disease. Cleopatra also used this oil and seeds, prolonging her beauty and youth.

Frequent references to the benefits of cumin and useful substances in its composition are found in the Koran. The Prophet Muhammad said that medicinal oil can cure all diseases, except, perhaps, death.

The product was also famous in Ancient Greece. The famous physician Dioscorides used the remedy as a drug for the treatment of toothache and other ailments. Hippocrates used a natural seed product for indigestion.

How is cumin oil obtained?

The so-called black seed oil is obtained by cold pressing black cumin seeds. The future remedy is carefully ground to a state of homogeneous slurry. This mass is stirred, after which the oil is pressed.

Products obtained by cold pressing retain their taste and aroma. In the process, black cumin is not exposed to high temperatures, so it retains all the beneficial substances. Hot pressed oil can be useless or even harmful.


The oil is useful both for children aged 3 years and older, and for adults. It is used in the treatment of diseases, hair and skin problems.

For men

Black cumin oil, whose benefits for men are enormous, is a natural antiseptic and immunomodulator. It is used to maintain male health and libido.

The oil has the following beneficial properties:

  • stimulates the production of testosterone, increases libido, improves sperm quality;
  • beneficial effect on potency;
  • increases sperm motility;
  • contributes to the normalization of the work of the sex glands;
  • helps to get rid of congestion in the genitourinary system.

For women

Black cumin oil is also used to normalize women’s health. It affects the ability to have children, treats gynecological diseases.

Natural and medicinal black cumin oil has the following properties:

  • normalizes hormonal levels;
  • helps in the treatment of menstrual irregularities;
  • reduces pain during menstruation;
  • reduces discomfort during PMS;
  • prevents the onset of early menopause;
  • stops the inflammatory process;
  • improves the condition of hair and skin.

For kids

The beneficial properties of black cumin oil in medicine are also used in pediatrics. The product helps the body to form, normalizes the work of all systems, supports fragile immunity. Children can take the remedy for illness from 3 years.

The composition of black cumin oil helps:

  • normalize the functioning of the immune system;
  • improve intestinal motility, normalize stools;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Contraindications, harm and side effects

Healing black cumin oil, the benefits and harms of which can sometimes compensate for each other, has a number of contraindications.


  • allergy to individual components, especially black cumin seeds;
  • taking drugs to lower blood sugar levels;
  • pregnancy;
  • transferred organ transplant;
  • stroke, heart attack; low pressure; gastritis; urolithiasis disease.

Black seed oil is a strong allergen, so it should be used with caution, especially if you are trying the supplement for the first time, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to your health.


In folk medicine

Black cumin oil, the use of which is extensive, is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Its benefits to the body are invaluable.

To strengthen immunity

Black cumin oil is an indispensable assistant in medicine for the prevention of viral diseases. Drink natural medicine should be 2-3 months before the planned infectious peak. One teaspoon of black cumin on an empty stomach before breakfast and dinner works no worse than other immunomodulators.

For colds and flu

Black cumin oil inhibits the reproduction of viruses and bacteria, stimulates the human body to fight infection. It brings the body into tone, helps to recover from a severe course of the flu and other diseases, to make up for the lack of vitamins and trace elements. Take every day for 1 tsp. before meals.

With a runny nose and sinusitis

Black cumin has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. It is useful for any diseases of the nasopharynx. You can make drops from it: 1-2 injections into the nose 2 times a day will help you forget about both the common cold and sinusitis (in combination with the therapy prescribed by your doctor). Black cumin oil also stimulates the release of mucus from the body.

For the throat, with angina

The properties of black cumin oil for sore throat will help relieve swelling, reduce sore throat. A solution can be made from a remedy: 1 teaspoon per 200 ml of water and a little natural vinegar. Rinse 1 tbsp. solution 2 times a day, half an hour before or after meals.

For nail fungus

A natural remedy destroys a fungal infection of a person, stops the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. To treat the affected nail, wipe it with apple cider vinegar, then apply black cumin oil. Repeat until the desired effect is achieved, combining with other drugs.

For the liver

The medicine from black cumin seeds helps to remove the inflammatory process in the liver, promotes its further regeneration after the disease. The recipe is as follows: add 5 drops of black cumin oil to 1 tbsp. willow leaf tea. Continue the course for 1 week.

From parasites

Black cumin seed oil blocks the reproduction of helminths, is a toxin for them. At the same time, the drug is safe for humans. Drink at a dosage of 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 15 minutes before meals, combining with other medicines.

For gastritis and stomach ulcers

The medicine – caraway oil – is suitable for the treatment of gastritis in the initial stages of the disease, as well as for the prevention of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and disorders of the digestive system. Increases local immunity, destroys the causative agent of gastritis – Helicobacter pylori. Drink 1 teaspoon twice daily with meals. The minimum course of treatment is 2.5 months. You must first consult with your doctor.

With pancreatitis

Black cumin oil is prohibited during an exacerbation of the disease – it can provoke severe pain. You can take a “miraculous” remedy only when the symptoms are weakened for prevention. For this purpose, you need to drink 1-2 tsp. oils per day, added to 1 tbsp. tea. Take half an hour after a meal.

For constipation

Black cumin oil, whose properties have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, is used to treat constipation. Take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach, after 10-15 minutes, drink a cup of hot tea or coffee.

From hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, a person is often recommended to make a healing bath. To do this, mix 15 g of oil and about 1 liter of warm water in a convenient capacious container. Sit in such a bath for 15 minutes. After the end of the procedure, lubricate the affected area with black cumin oil.

For arthritis, for joints

One of the properties of the product is its ability to fight inflammation in the joints. To use, you need to warm up the black cumin oil a little (but do not bring it to a boil, otherwise the beneficial vitamins and minerals are destroyed). After that, apply to the affected area with massaging movements.

From papillomas and warts

Black cumin oil has an anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, helps fight skin diseases. Apply pointwise to the affected area. At night, you can make a compress of warm black cumin oil with a bandage or a piece of gauze.

For psoriasis and eczema

The anti-inflammatory effect of useful black cumin oil will relieve itching, relieve discomfort and prevent scarring on the skin. You need to apply it on a cotton pad and gently wipe the affected area. Repeat 1 time per day for a week.

Under pressure

Oil normalizes blood pressure, it is indicated for hypertension (but with hypotension, it is better to refrain from using it). Drink 1 tablespoon of oil purchased at the pharmacy immediately after breakfast. Continue treatment until improvement appears.

With prostatitis

Useful black cumin oil, the contraindications of which must be considered before taking, can fight inflammation of the prostate gland. It is necessary to lubricate the lower parts of the lower back, rubbing the drug in a circular motion.

In gynecology: with mastopathy, endometriosis, myoma

Black cumin oil, whose benefits for women are invaluable, can be used to treat gynecological diseases. In the treatment of inflammation, tampons are made, which are abundantly lubricated with a remedy.

Features of use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Cumin during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. It can cause fetal rejection, which can lead to miscarriage. There are no contraindications for breastfeeding – the oil has a positive effect on lactation.

With oncology

Healers from ancient times attributed useful anti-cancer properties to black cumin. However, there are no reliable results of studies on the effect of oil on the body of a sick person yet. It should be taken with caution in cancer, without violating the order of therapy prescribed by the doctor. Oil intake during the course of chemotherapy is unacceptable.

With diabetes

For diabetics, oil helps to keep the body in good shape, to avoid health problems during illness. The course of treatment should be consulted with a specialist.

In cosmetology

The use of useful black cumin oil in cosmetology is widespread. It can be used to combat oily skin, clogged pores and acne.

If you want to get rid of skin problems, you should mix the oil with 1 tablespoon of grape seed extract (you can add honey), apply a mask on the skin or hair and leave for 30-40 minutes.

Half a tablespoon of a natural medicine is drunk a day to accelerate hair growth.

In cooking

Another area of ​​​​use of black cumin oil is cooking. Cumin should be added to dishes of legumes, meat, vegetables and potatoes. It is added to various sauces and seasonings, it helps to reveal the taste of the dish and give it an exquisite aroma. In addition, the oil increases the benefits of food.

For weight loss

Many girls are interested in how to drink black cumin oil for weight loss. The scheme is as follows: in the 1st and 4th weeks, drink a teaspoon on an empty stomach, drink a glass of warm water. In the 2nd week, it is worth repeating the reception in the morning and in the evening. 3rd week – drink two teaspoons of oil and 2 glasses of water before breakfast and dinner. The course lasts 1 month.

Throughout the diet, when you need to use oil, you should strictly limit carbohydrates. In this case, the benefits of cumin oil will be greater, and the effect will appear faster.

How to use

The rules for how to take black cumin oil depend on the person’s diseases. In the treatment of skin diseases, it can be used as an ointment. In the treatment of internal inflammation, the oil is taken orally, combined in some cases with olive or flaxseed, until the desired effect appears.

How to choose when buying

1. Buy only in a pharmacy. You can learn from a pharmacist how to drink black cumin oil.

2. Give preference to cold pressing – its properties are better.

3. Choose oil from seeds grown in Ethiopia, Syria, Saudi Arabia.

4. Look at the packaging. The best option is dark glass containers.

5. Shelf life – up to 2 years. Natural oil is no longer stored.

How to store

Storage of dark cumin oil requires special conditions. It should be kept in a dark place, at a temperature of +8 to +20. When used, open packages can be kept in the refrigerator to prevent the medicine from spoiling. If the oil is stored incorrectly, its effect will decrease.