How to Travel USA on a Budget: The United States of America is one of the top destinations that people choose to travel every year. With so many different geographical landscapes ranging from mountains to beaches, valleys to plains, and even desserts to farmlands, the United States is a gem for travelers looking to experience something precious and a once-in-a-lifetime trip .

But as we know with travel, it can get pretty expensive in a hurry if we’re not careful with our spending. Booking cheap plane tickets isn’t the only way to travel on a budget; There are also many other approaches that allow you to travel on a budget.

So we created this article to include all the tips and tricks you can do to travel the USA on a budget. So, let’s dive into it without wasting any more time.

1. Lots of Cool Things Are Available for Free: When you travel, you may find it strange that there are so many things you can do without even spending a penny. Of course, you don’t need a ticket to visit the local streets or relax in the park; even if the prices are there for entry to public places, it will be very minimal. These small charges may not seem like much at the time, but they have the ability to make or break your budget.

However, keep in mind that some attractions throughout the United States are also free. Ask the tourist office about free entertainment, free or reduced entrance to the museum and free guided tours. If you’re a college student living in student housing in Chicago or New York, you can benefit from student discounts and even free admission. And always remember that it never hurts to ask.


2. Live like a local: A beautiful hotel with amenities and facilities appealing to people of all ages is a delightful treat. However, it can also be quite expensive, making it difficult to travel on a budget. Find one place to stay and stay there for an extended period of time.

You can book a homestay and cook for yourself instead of going to expensive restaurants every day. Dallas Student Housing students at Austin Student Housing are familiar with this tactic. If you want to go out, go to a local canteen or restaurant, this will allow you to enjoy authentic local cuisine without damaging your wallet.

You can also book vacation rentals as they are much cheaper than traditional hotels. Vacation rentals often offer discounts for extended stays, and living in a vacation home allows you to save money on food by not having to dine out. I would recommend Viator to travel in your budget.

3. Consider taking public transportation: When traveling on a budget, public transportation is your close companion. This can save you money, and if a well-planned search is executed, it can even provide you with a once-in-a-lifetime positive experience.

Examine the options available in your location and experiment with different routes during your trip. Working rail networks are available throughout the United States, which can reduce your transportation costs for long-distance travel. You will be less perplexed by the complexity of the rail networks when you arrive at your destination. America is well connected with its network of interstate highways which increases the prospects of road travel. Buses run different routes and are available in almost every state.

4. Eliminate alcohol: There are copious amounts of craft beer and drinks buried in those shopping and dining costs that you don’t notice in the budget breakdown. After a long day of traveling, you can easily spend your money on post-hike drinks, whiskey sours, and brewery tours.

Reduce or eliminate your alcohol consumption to save a significant amount of money. It’s impossible to plan a budget trip to the United States without seeing a budget breakdown of your alcohol consumption, because they are very expensive and addictive. You can practice drinking formula “once a week” without emptying your wallet. You can even go to local shops that make their own craft beer to get a fantastic taste as they are cheaper than hotel bars.


We hope this article helps you find unique approaches to take when traveling on a budget. Traveling on a budget in the United States can get quite difficult, but you can achieve it with proper planning that involves a lot of research. And at the end of the trip, you may find yourself with a small, full wallet. We wish you good luck for your upcoming adventures.