For some reason, people who have heard the word “etiquette” most often imagine a battery of forks with a different number of teeth on one side of the plate and the same orderly row of knives on the other. And you should definitely be able to use all of them. Today, the situation in which Jack from the Titanic found himself, when he was surrounded on all sides by appliances and napkins, is hardly possible to get into. However, this does not mean that there are no rules at the table at all.

In the new realities, other norms have appeared. Adhere to the following ten rules and you will be known as a person with good manners in any company.

10 good manners at the table

Napkin on knees

If a napkin is offered in a restaurant, it should be placed on your lap. You should not wrap it by the collar: it looks vulgar. A napkin will be required in order to wipe the corners of the mouth or hands. When the meal is finished, it should be placed next to the plate. If the napkin fell on the floor, do not pick it up, you must ask the waiter for a replacement.

Down with phones!

Putting something on the table that has nothing to do with eating is bad manners. This applies to keys, handbags, gloves, hats, documents and especially phones. Modern man spends too much time staring at the screen. It is worth arranging an informational detox for yourself at least during dinner with relatives or colleagues. This rule must be strictly observed, since a person who is “stuck” on his phone looks at least ignorant.

A person “stuck” in his phone looks at least ignorant

The glass is half full

No matter how cheerful a person is in a company, it is still not recommended to behave cheekily. If wine is served at the table, the glass should be less than half full. By the way, the glass must be held by the leg with three fingers. This prevents fingerprints from being left on the bowl, and the drink does not heat up and change its taste.

“Please pass along”

Reaching for anything across the table is a sign of bad taste. You can always ask for the dish to be handed over by someone who is sitting not far from you. If a neighbor asks to pass something, then you should not give him a plate in his hands. According to the rules of etiquette, you should put the desired dish next to the one who requested it. Separate issue about salt and pepper. They are passed together, on the same stand, even if they asked for one thing.

Reaching for anything across the table is a sign of bad taste

Which hand

Iron rule: knife in the right, fork in the left. It is possible to change devices in places only if a crumbly side dish is served. In this case, the knife will serve as a convenient “ladle” with which you can put food on the fork.

If the dish does not require the simultaneous use of both of these devices, then the fork should be held in the right hand. It is strictly forbidden to eat with a knife at the table.

And a few more nuances. For pasta, you need to ask for a spoon if the waiter for some reason did not serve it. You don’t need a knife for a salad.

With a spoon, everything is much easier. It always remains in the right hand. By the way, you should eat soup by scooping the contents of the plate away from you. This way you can protect your clothes from splashes. The spoon itself should not be completely put into your mouth. The working side of this device is lateral.

Once the cutlery has come into contact with the dish, they should no longer rest on the table. If the dish is not finished yet, the cutlery should be placed either on a serving plate or inside the main plate crosswise. If the meal is over, you need to let the waiter know about it. Appliances stacked in parallel will be a sign that the dishes can be cleaned.

Appliances stacked in parallel will be a sign that the dishes can be cleaned

Speed ​​mode

You should start eating only when everyone at the table has been served food. There is no need to rush during the meal. It is important to maintain a common pace with everyone. If you finish before everyone else, you can pass for a person with an indefatigable appetite, and if you make the others wait, you can at least bore the guests, and at the most – cause irritation.

Hygiene above all… but not at the table

Any hygiene procedures at the table are strictly prohibited. Do not wipe your neck or face with a napkin in front of your neighbors. No need to comb your hair or touch up your makeup. For all this there is a toilet. The same goes for toothpicks. Although every self-respecting restaurant puts them on the table, you should not take this as an invitation to clean up leftover food in front of everyone. Such things should also be done with a minimum of witnesses, for example, all in the same toilet.

Last piece

No matter how much you want to eat the last piece of some dish, first you need to make sure that no one at the table wants it. If everyone has refused the extreme bun, sandwich or canapeshka, then you can take them for yourself. The same goes for the common meal. First you need to offer it to the audience, and only then put it on your plate.

No matter how much you want to eat the last piece of some dish, first you need to make sure that no one at the table wants it.

“Me for a minute”

If you need to leave the table before the end of dinner or lunch, you need to do it as delicately as possible. After all, no one wants to embarrass anyone? You should not tell the audience about the reasons for your leaving the table, you need to quietly apologize and leave your seat. It is best to wait for a change of dishes for such maneuvers, so as not to attract too much attention to yourself.

“Oh, hi!”

If a friend suddenly appeared at the bar counter or he walked right past the table, you should not shout and wave your arms, greeting him. All you have to do is get up from your seat and say hello. For further conversation, it is best to step aside. So no one will be embarrassed – neither those gathered at the table, nor the acquaintance who came up. If the smol-current continues directly next to those having dinner, it is advisable to introduce the person.