If you are feeling a bit stuck and overwhelmed by the idea of having to go back to work, don’t worry. These memes will get you through it.

Memes have a way of making everything feel better – including the post-quarantine return to work. These memes are not only hilarious but also brutally honest, but they always resonate with people who are in the same boat. They show that you’re not alone in your feelings of dread when it comes time to resume your daily commute, wear work clothes, attend countless in person meetings and actually having to socialize with coworkers again.

Back to School Memes that’ll make you laugh


  1. Back to work might be socially awkward
back to work memes
  1. When was the last time you set your alarm?
back to work after vacation meme
  1. Short, Tall, Grande, Venti, Venti++
get back to work meme
  1. Supreme leader AKA Your Boss is asking you to get back to office
    back to work after quarantine meme
    1. Volunteering back to work
    back to work memes funny
    1. Precious, precious…
    back to work after thanksgiving meme
    1. It’s been ages since you stepped your foot in officeback to work after new year meme
      1. Dan Ariely Propaganda
      get back to work meme funny
      1. Upskill you kids to help you out with your work
      back to work crying meme
      1. No more zoom classesback to school work meme
        1. No more Afternoon naps
        minions back to work meme
        1. Can’t switch off your screen now, can you?

        back to work meme covid


        1. No luxury of mute button in offline meeting

        back to office memes


        1. It’ll be tough to get back to office
        going back to office memes
        1. This meme is on pointback to work memes 2022
          1. No more pyjamas
          back to work clothes meme
          1. 5 mins in, contemplation starts
          back to the work grind memes
          1. How many times will you think of quitting your job in a day?
          funny back to work monday memes
          1. Micromanagers, micromanagers everywhereback to work after lockdown memes
            1. Micromanagers, micromanagers everywhere again
            back to office covid
            1. No luxury to mute them at workReturn to office covid
              1. Can’t log off zoom now
              Return to office meme
              1. That dreadful feeling
              Return to office
              1. If only….you had ‘Get out of meeting card’
              return to work meme
              1. 10 mins into working at office…return to work after quarantine meme
                1. Furlough anyone?
                back to work after furlough memes
                1. People skills, what is that?
                who return to work after covid
                1. We might have put on a little weight…
                return to work funny memes
                1. Gotta stay safe!
                not going back to work meme
                1. Modern problems require modern solutions
                clothes meme work