Purchasing a vehicle requires a lot of money, there is no doubt about that. Additionally, the cost of maintenance can increase quickly if we do not take proper care of our vehicles and perform their respective preventive maintenance. Let’s not wait for something to go wrong, let’s be proactive, investigate how to take care of it and look for professional Automotive Technical Centers, like REPSA AUTOCENTRO, to save money in the long term.



  1. Be careful with the speed . Watching how fast you drive is always a good idea; Doing this becomes more important when you have a new vehicle. During the initial period (generally the first 1,500 kilometers), keep the speed at 80 km/h or less. This will help you establish adequate fuel efficiency. Additionally, our roads do not provide the necessary conditions to develop high speeds.
  1. Keep Engine Idling to a Minimum. As much as possible prevent your vehicle from being on and inactive for too long. The oil creates pressure on the engine and may stop reaching all the parts that are necessary.
  1. Do not rev the engine to warm it up . Many people accelerate their Vehicle to warm it up and get it going. However, it is not correct. The only sure way to add years of engine life is to start the vehicle without accelerating.
  1. When you start driving, it accelerates slowly . For the first few minutes you are driving, be sure to accelerate slowly. Keep your RPM at 3,000 or less; This will help with long-term gas mileage.
  1. Do not heat up your car by leaving it on for a long time. Some people like to warm up their car by starting it and leaving it idle in their driveway for a long time. Today’s vehicles, where the majority use multigrade oils and in climates like ours, require minimum times for the oil to reach all the parts that need to be lubricated and start driving. Generally we can wait between 30 seconds to a minute maximum. In fact, there are vehicles that 10 to 20 seconds are more than enough.


  1. Avoid High Speeds In Hot Climates Like Ours . Avoid driving at high speeds when temperatures are extreme, whether it is hot or cold. In our case, a very hot climate is common. Your engine will be paying a high price and you will likely accelerate its wear.
  1. Check your Vehicle Weekly. Doing a basic inspection of your vehicle before using it is essential. There are many things you won’t notice on a day-to-day basis, whether it’s a tire that’s going down or a bulb or light that doesn’t turn on. Setting a time to do a basic visual check of your vehicle will save you from spending money on an expensive repair. Small problems ignored, then they become gigantic. And remember to take your vehicle to a professional Automotive Technical Center like REPSA AUTOCENTRO, every 5,000 km.
  1. Read the Owner’s Manual. Cars are just cars. However, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of your vehicle. To do this, the instruction manual will describe a maintenance program, where to locate the spare tire and how to start the car and make the best correct use of it, in addition to explaining other useful things that will help you save money in the future.
  1. Check the Engine Oil. You probably remember the golden rule that the oil should be changed every 5 thousand kilometers. However, many cars today can reach 7 thousand kilometers or more, although in other articles we have explained why in our country, regardless of this, it is recommended to change the oil every 5,000 km. In fact, in the same owner’s manuals they indicate that depending on the conditions where the vehicle operates, its intervals may even be greater than 5,000 km. They recommend doing them before. It is important to check the oil periodically. After all, this is the lifeblood of your vehicle and if it runs out or gets dirty, you’ll end up with a huge bill.
  1. Check the Transmission Fluids. Now that you’ve checked the oil, you should probably check the transmission fluid. Make sure it is full and clean as well. If you notice pieces of metal in the fluid or that it is dark and cloudy, take it to a Professional Automotive Technical Center like REPSA AUTOCENTRO, to have it checked. Transmission repair costs are very high. Better safe than sorry. Every 5,000 km it is recommended to check the transmission in the Workshop and every 40,000 km change its oil.
  1. Extend the useful life of your tires. New tires represent an important element in the safety of the vehicle and their cost is very representative. Help extend their life by obeying speed limits, avoiding sudden starts and stops, and avoiding hitting the curb while parking on the street. It is important to check the alignment of the vehicle, balance the tires and rotate them every 5,000 km.
  1. Be careful with the dashboard lights. You might think it’s okay to ignore the check engine lights on your dashboard for a while. But, they are there for a reason. If any light comes on, investigate the problem immediately to avoid costly repairs. Surely this is an easy problem to solve.

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